Feb 07, 2025

Flint Hills Regional Leadership Program Class Completes Course

Posted Feb 07, 2025 2:19 PM

 The Board of Directors of the Flint Hills Regional Leadership Program has acknowledged the completion of coursework and graduation of 26 participants of the 2024-25 program year. Ceremonies were completed at the Belltower in Eskridge.

Executive Director, Jack Lindquist explained, “When we formed this class, we discovered the 26 members found they could work with any combination of team members within this diverse group of leaders. This class will be our regions stewards. 

Christian Bishop then summarized the class experience saying, “Over this past year, we have shared data analysis of growth opportunities and challenges to improve our infrastructure and quality of life. This region needs vision to meet the needs and convert challenges into opportunities. ”

Organization treasurer Tiffany Cutter shared the roster of financial and in-kind supporters including:

CORVIAS – Session underwriter









Manhattan Chamber of Commerce

Bank of the Flint Hills

City of Wamego

Wamego Chamber of Commerce

Central National Bank

Linda Weis OLSON - Realty Executives Weis Real Estate Co.

US ARMY, Fort Riley

Class members that completed the nine-session course included:

Jenn Alley Manhattan  RL Convention Sales Manager, Visit Manhattan, Manhattan Chamber of Commerce

Carrie Boeckman Alma WB Treasurer's Clerk, Wabaunsee County

Preston Buckland Junction City GE Maintenance Manager, Corvias Property Management

Kirk Crabtree Ogden  RL Operations Manager, Habitat for Humanity of the Northern Flint Hills

Daniel Cutting Manhattan RL IT Specialist, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine

John Green Manhattan PT Associate Director - Retail Operations, Housing and Dining – Kansas State University

Reed A. Harp Manhattan. RL Trust/Brokerage Sales Assistant Central National Bank

Robert Hart Manhattan RL Education Services Officer, US ARMY Fort Riley DHR

Adam Hastert Saint George PT Management Agronomist, USAG Fort Riley

Dené Kaster Alta Vista WB CFO, Kansas 4-H Foundation

Dylan Kelsheimer Manhattan RL Loan Officer, ESB Financial

Deidre Knight Council Grove MR Co-owner, Twin Lakes Tees & Backroads; Story Media & Riverbank Brewing

Tande Lentz Manhattan RL Assistant Vehicle Supervisor, Riley County

Cory Lindsley Wamego PT Manager, Varney & Associates, CPA's

Evan McMillan Manhattan RL Assistant County Engineer, Assist. Public Works Dir., Riley County

Sabrina McMiller Junction City GE Business and Project Manager

Paige Mendoza Junction City   GE Seitz Elementary Attendance/Receptionist Clerk, USD 475

Jimmy Neal II Junction City GE Management Analyst, Department of the Army /  USAG Fort Riley

Emily Olson Alma WB Patrol Sergeant, Junction City Police Department

Judy Rohe Milford GE Interim Sports, Fitness and Aquatics Brach Chief, US Army NAF/ Fort Riley DFMWR

Brent Sigman  Manhattan RL Programming and Development Director, OZ Museum/ Columbian Theatre Foundation

Alex Thompson Manhattan RL Realtor/Client Services Coordinator, Realty Executives Weis Real Estate

Breeana Toles Junction City GE Resident Manager, CORVIAS

Linda Ward Wakefield CL Safety & Occupational Health Specialist, Garrison Safety Office, Fort Riley

Owen Washburn Herington DK Management and Program Analyst, Garrison Command, Fort Riley

Ricky Williams Eskridge WB Deputy Sheriff, K9 Corporal, Wabaunsee Co. Sheriff's Office

Board Chair Christian Bishop introduced closing address speaker, COL Jim MacGregor (ret), Wabaunsee County Commissioner.  MacGregor was instrumental in the addition of WABAUNSEE County to the Flint Hills Regional Program network of hosting sponsors. 

In response, Rob Hart shared lessons learned and appreciation remarks.  Hart and Carrie Boeckman are newly elected class representatives to the board. The class project, Ramp Redux, was announced by class member Bree Toles.