Feb 23, 2024

Mann says farm bill still far off

Posted Feb 23, 2024 5:30 PM

Hutch Post

HUTCHINSON, Kan. — Kansas First District Congressman Tracey Mann told Hutch Post this week that a long-term Farm Bill is not close to being done.

"We've got quite a ways to go," Mann said. "We know it currently expires Sept. 30. We know that food and nutrition programs and crop insurance is mandatory spending, so that will stay in place no matter what. We also know that there's a strong desire, certainly on my part and folks on the Ag committee to get this Farm Bill done, locked an in play, so we can move forward."

The vast majority of the Farm Bill is nutrition programs, though and urban congress members may not care one way or the other when it gets done as long as those programs are funded. 

"Farm Bills need to be long enough to provide some certainty, but short enough that they can be looked at and adjust and change with the times. A five year Farm Bill is an appropriate length. It's time for a five year Farm Bill to give our producers some certainty."

Work in the House is actually a little bit ahead of the Senate when it comes to the Farm Bill, but once both sides have their position, they will have to come to an agreement on the legislation, so it's likely that it will at least push the September deadline, if not need an additional extension.

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