Jun 06, 2023

Sen. Moran visits 1st Infantry Division Memorial at Omaha Beach

Posted Jun 06, 2023 4:43 PM
<i>Sen. Moran and Major General Meyer visit the 1st Infantry Division Memorial in Normandy, France</i><br>
Sen. Moran and Major General Meyer visit the 1st Infantry Division Memorial in Normandy, France

Photos and story:  From the Office of Senator Jerry Moran

WASHINGTON  On the 79th Anniversary of D-Day, U.S. Kansas Senator Jerry Moran visited the 1st Infantry Division Memorial and the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach in Normandy, France. Sen. Moran was joined by U.S. Army Mayor General John Meyer, the 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley commanding general.

<i>Sen. Moran pays tribute to Kansas native Colonel Ollie W. Reed and his son Lieutenant Ollie W.</i><i>Reed Jr. who were buried together in the Normandy American Cemetery.&nbsp;</i>
Sen. Moran pays tribute to Kansas native Colonel Ollie W. Reed and his son Lieutenant Ollie W.Reed Jr. who were buried together in the Normandy American Cemetery. 
<i>Sen. Moran and Major General Meyer on Omaha Beach in Normandy, France</i>
Sen. Moran and Major General Meyer on Omaha Beach in Normandy, France