The Junction City Commission has voted 4-0 to accept the resignation of Mayor Jeff Underhill.
The City will now seek to fill the seat. According to City Manager Kim Zimmerman if you are interested in serving bring your resume to his office by next Tuesday. That provides time for the current commissioners to review the resumes.
According to City Attorney Britain Stites the City has until March 3rd to fill the vacancy. There are approximately 11 months remaining on the term.
Underhill submitted his resignation after a blank recall petition was submitted last week alleging misconduct while in office, revoking of his insurance license due to fraud and deception. Underhill resigned before action to verify the petition and collect signatures had been undertaken.
The vice mayor, Pat Landes, can fill in as mayor while the commissioner vacancy is being filled. The mayor's spot will be filled in the future by a vote of the city commission.