Riley County currently has 780 remaining doses of COVID-19 and will continue vaccinating those 65 and older with severe health conditions on Tuesday. For the remainder of the week, the Health Department will focus on vaccinating more than one hundred and fifty people in Riley County 65 and older who are homebound.
Those who are homebound include individuals disabled to the extent it prevents safe or timely vehicle transportation and are severely immunocompromised.
"We're planning to vaccinate 600 people from the 65 and older age group Tuesday, along with some healthcare providers and first responders," said Julie Gibbs, Riley County Health Department Administrator. "The process is going much more smoothly than the first week. We're learning from every clinic we conduct, but there's a feeling of hope and gratitude here. As I look around I realize this is what we've all been working so hard for and it's truly gratifying."
Once Riley County has completed vaccinating those 65 and older with severe health conditions, people in that age group who do not have qualifying medical conditions will get their vaccines according to the order they signed up.