Mar 24, 2025

Denison/Kimball intersection to close this week for signal

Posted Mar 24, 2025 1:56 PM

The City of Manhattan announced that starting about noon today (Monday, March 24), the final phase of the North Campus Corridor project will begin, with the intersection of Denison Avenue and Kimball Avenue closing again for one week to allow for construction of the truss and testing of the new traffic signals.

This final closure of the intersection will last until Friday, March 28. Depending on weather, it is expected that the actual raising of the truss with large cranes will occur on Tuesday, March 25.

During this one-week closure, the main detour for through traffic on Kimball Avenue will be on Marlatt Avenue from College Avenue (for eastbound traffic) or from Tuttle Creek Boulevard/U.S. 24 (for westbound traffic). Local traffic also can detour to Claflin Road to the south using College and North Manhattan avenues.

NBAF access will be preserved along eastbound Kimball to southbound Denison Avenue, but this will be a right-in, left-out access only and is not for through traffic.

K-State Recreation Center access will remain from Kimball Avenue, as will access to the K-State Foundation Edge campus from Grain Science Way.