Little Apple Post
MANHATTAN - Starting today, April 1st, the City of Manhattan will have the annual Spring Cleanup effort, with crews working through different sections of town to pickup yard debris each day.
Specific days are assigned for different sections within the city limits of Manhattan.
- Monday, April 1 — areas south of Anderson and west of Westwood
- Tuesday, April 2 — areas north of Anderson and west of Seth Child
- Wednesday, April 3 — all areas north of Anderson Avenue, between Seth Child and Manhattan Avenue
- Thursday, April 4 — all areas north of Ratone/Ehlers, east of Manhattan Avenue and Tuttle Creek Boulevard
- Friday, April 5 — all areas south of Anderson Avenue, between Westwood and Manhattan, as well as all areas southeast of Manhattan Avenue and Ratone/Ehlers
City Crews will only be collecting properly bagged/stacked yard waste, tree limbs and branches. They will not remove any trash or construction materials during this cleanup.
To ensure all items are picked up from your residence, follow these steps:
- Place all yard waste (grass clippings and leaves) in yard waste paper bags, which are available at many local retailers. Any debris in plastic bags or containers will not be picked up!
- Create separate piles for limbs and branches on the ground next to the curb so they can be picked up easily by a person or by a skid loader.
- Do not place limbs or branches in the street or too far back in the yard, making them difficult for the loader to reach from the street.
- Stack branches in a loose pile; don’t use rope or twine to tie them together. Do not mix scrap lumber or foreign objects with branches. Participating refuse contractors will pick up scrap lumber on regular trash pickup days and at regular locations.
- Have items on the curb and ready for pickup by 7 a.m. on the scheduled day, according to the cleanup map provided in this release. (Note: The starting area and rotation are the same as last year, not years prior to 2023.) Crews will pass through each area only once.

No city crews will perform work on private property, property owners and residents are requested to have all bags, limbs, branches, etc at the curb of the property for removal by city crews during the cleanup effort.
Along with City crews, local trash providers will assist with picking up other trash and debris during their normal routes for their customers.
Participating trash providers include: Average Joe’s, B&L, Howie’s, Joe Mallon and Pick Pink
Trash and debris must be stacked next to the location of regular trash pickup on the day of regular service.
IF you do not have a contract for refuse services with one of the above named contractors you will be responsible for your own trash disposal.
The following items will not be collected during the cleanup event: major household appliances, tires, batteries, concrete or rock rubble, and construction or demolition debris. Household hazardous waste — paint, thinners, lubricants, herbicides, insecticides, etc. — also will not be collected and instead should be taken to the Riley County Noxious Weed Department, 6245 Tuttle Creek Blvd.
Complete details about the 2024 City of Manhattan Spring Cleanup effort can be found here.